Dhaka, Bangladesh
Population 15,900,000 (UA)
Under Mughal rule in the 17th century, the city was known as Jahangir Nagar. It was a provincial capital and a centre of the worldwide muslin trade. The modern city, however, was developed chiefly under British rule in the 19th century, and became the second-largest city in Bengal, after Calcutta (presently Kolkata). After the partition of British India in 1947, Dhaka became the administrative capital of East Pakistan, and later, in 1971, the capital of an independent Bangladesh.opulation.
By ASaber91 - Dhaka 21st March, CC BY 2.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=63108302
Modern Dhaka is the centre of political, cultural and economic life in Bangladesh. Although its urban infrastructure is the most developed in the country, Dhaka suffers from urban problems such as pollution and overpopulation. The city is attracting large foreign investments and greater volumes of commerce and trade. It is also experiencing an increasing influx of people from across the nation, this has reportedly made Dhaka the fastest growing city in the world.
Prayer Points
Pray for more workers especially in the area of mercy ministries.
Pray for all of the training schools of the base to make an impact in raising up new missionaries.
Pray for protection of the workers in the city.