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Modesto, USA



Population  358,172


Modesto, originally a stop on the railroad connecting Sacramento to Los Angeles, was founded in 1870 and was to be named for William C. Ralston, financier of many projects in early California. However, he declined the suggestion and a Spanish-speaking railroad worker at the naming ceremony said that Ralston was "Muy modesto" (very modest). Thus, the town was named Modesto. It is unknown at this time if this story is mere folklore or fact.



Photo by Carl Skaggs - Transferred from en.wikipedia to Commons by BokicaK using

CommonsHelper., PublicDomain,

Modesto, California has many tourist attractions and historical sites.  Modesto has a large agricultural industry which is based on the fertile farmland surrounding the city. Despite this, the city has traditionally had above average unemployment rates.  Modesto is also host to the Xclamation Festival, a large outdoor event stretching 15 blocks and featuring the Worlds Largest Disco which covers four blocks on its own. In 2008 X-Fest featured 50 bands and a crowd of 15,000 people.  Modesto also features the largest winery in the world.

source Wikipedia

Prayer Points

Pray for relationships to be built within their community.

Pray for a spirit of peace and hope in their interactions with the mentally ill and addicted.

Pray for financial provision.

Pray for the church of Modesto to continue to grow in unity and purpose together.


Youth With a Mission: City Ministries 2016

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City Ministries is a ministry of Youth With a Mission International

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